UN Global Compact
Communication on Progress: 2022 Early Adopter Programme Q&A Session
The UN Global Compact will implement its new Communication on Progress platform in 2023. To help participants get familiar with the new Communication on Progress, test and disclose via the new platform already in 2022, companies have the opportunity to enroll in the Early Adopter Program. This Q&A session will provide all details about the program, benefits of enrolling, and eligibility. It will also explain characteristics of the new Communication on Progress and how participant companies, as part of the Early Adopter Program, will use this new Communication on Progress digital platform to submit their Communication on Progress in 2022.
All participant companies are welcome to attend the session. Three sessions will be held for different time zones.
Wednesday, January 19 at 10:00am (Singapore)
Wednesday, January 19 at 10:00am (New York)
Wednesday, January 19 at 2:00pm(Mexico)(in Spanish/en Español)