Virtual Events
Integrate 2021
The world of finance — ESG innovation, ESG reporting, cryptocurrencies, blockchain, and SEC regulations –– is moving at an exponentially rapid pace. To keep up, CFOs must make financial systems and decision-making relevant to global threats. As global economics and regulations force businesses to address their impact on climate change and social issues, how to plan, strategize, budget and report on ESG metrics is vital — and only finance executives can take this on.
INTEGRATE21, held virtually on November 8 to 10, 2021, will provide you with the tools and insights to know how to adopt, operationalize and execute on these global shifts. Our speakers and presenters in regenerative finance will help you see around the corners and keep you at the forefront of these critical issues. Our keynotes include Robert Jackson, Former Commissioner of the Securities and Exchange Commission, who will provide on-the-ground details and information about the latest changes on climate change declaration and other coming changes and requirements at the SEC, and Scott Mather, EVP and CIO of PIMCO ($2.2TAUM), who will give an update on how the UNGC CFO Taskforce for the SDGs is progressing.