Network USA
Sustainable Corporate Finance: Opportunities for CFO leadership in the CFO Taskforce
The UN Global Compact's CFO Taskforce for the SDGs was convened as a platform for CFOs to interact with their peers, investors, financial institutions, and the United Nations to share ideas, develop new concepts and frameworks, and provide recommendations to unlock private capital and create a market for mainstream SDG investments.
In 2019 the UN Global Compact created a network of Chief Financial Officers to tackle the challenge of sustainability and the SDGs. Over the course of the last year they have interacted with their peers, investors, financial institutions and the United Nations to share ideas, develop new concepts and frameworks and provide recommendations to create a market to mainstream SDG investments. To help companies concretely implement the principles, members of the Taskforce are committed to taking part in working groups which will focus on setting up concrete measures, targets and KPIs.
It stems from the recognition that—as stewards of trillions of dollars in corporate investments—CFOs are uniquely positioned to reshape the future of corporate finance and investment as a catalyst for growth, value creation, and social impact.
Join this webinar to learn more about the work about the CFO Taskforce and the unique opportunity for participating companies of Global Compact Network USA to contribute to this meaningful work.