US Climate Policy in 2021: What Investors Need to Know (PRI)
The likelihood of a sweeping U.S. climate policy being implemented has increased considerably in recent months. A wide range of proposals has been floated, and the Biden campaign itself laid out a comprehensive plan to tackle carbon emissions and climate resilience through a variety of statutory, regulatory and fiscal approaches. Nonetheless, should Biden win the presidency, the rubber will hit the road early next year as the federal government re-engages on an issue that has only grown more salient and pressing for institutional investors. What are the most likely areas of policy action in the U.S.? What do investors need to see in terms of frameworks, standards, and market signals across sectors of the real economy? How is the U.S. “Inevitable Policy Response” to climate change similar to – and divergent from – the approaches being taken in other major economies (EU, China, etc.)? Join the PRI for a webinar in which we will discuss these and other timely questions.
Speakers include:
- Heather Slavkin Corzo, Head of US Policy, PRI
- Sharon Hendricks, Chair of the Board, CalSTRS and Board Member, PRI